For this episode of Reframeables, we had the opportunity to speak with award-winning poet and novelist Canisia Lubrin about her new book Code Noir. After the interview, she sent the Reframeables duo an email, calling us both badass and tender, which is probably the best compliment we’ve ever been given — so there’s that.
For context about her book, in 1685 France’s King Louis XIV passed a decree consisting of 59 articles meant to govern not only chattel slavery but Black subjecthood throughout France and its colonies. The document was called “le code noir.” Lubrin’s novel is written around and against these articles.
In our interview, we talked about so many things: identity, and why Canisia isn’t interested in it; green underwear, and why this writer’s words make us hot (literally); poetry as something that originates in the body, not the mind. Our reframing takeaway? The art of the interview isn’t achieved in a straight line — or maybe we reframed the art of conversation as a whole. Either way, we had a blast.
Canisia Lubrin is a writer, critic, professor, poet, and editor. Originally from St. Lucia, she now lives in Whitby, Ontario. Her books include Voodoo Hypothesis, The Dyzgraphxst, and Code Noir. Canisia is currently poetry editor at McClelland & Stewart, and has taught at Humber College, University of Toronto, and University of Guelph.
Code Noir
A Conversation with Canisia Lubrin by Rosie Long Decter for Vallum Mag
Follow Canisia on Instagram

Whatever we were saying here was obviously HILARIOUS — and that’s probably because we were talking about it together instead of stewing over life’s endless list of challenges on our own. Reach out if you need an ear. Our comment section/DMs and email boxes are wide open for a vent.
Here’s to couch friends. Virtual or in person.
Stretch, dear reframeables. It’s time. That is the nugget!
This week we’re in Seoul, South Korea for a creative industries trade mission. Because we love a theme, here is a great recipe courtesy of New York lawyer-turned-James Beard Winner The Korean Vegan for Easy Tteokbboki (spicy rice cakes).
Author and Giller winner Ian Williams reframes community.
Rebecca and Natalie Reframe Grief as a duo.
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Momfluencer Sara Peterson reframes the representation of motherhood online.
Natasha Nelson (some might know her as Supernova Momma) reframes neurodiversity and parenting.